Team PaNs PaNs to the ResCUE

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Hotel Dusk Room 215 2010/03/26

Filed under: Uncategorized — Baka Ranger: Purple Head leader WAHAHAHA XD @ 4:30 am

Ahhh lately I’ve been playing this awesome game!!! Ok so its not really new, and neither is it on some high difficult gamer level either, but i loved it and it caught me doing nothing else but playing the game for some time too!

The game is really a touch and go story line based game play, if your really into killing monsters and stuff this wouldn’t be the game for you. However if you enjoy the Ace Attorney series, you’ll love this one!

Summary:(NO SPOILERS!!!!)

As a mystery based game the story has lots of questions being asked, and having answers being revealed at the end. The story revolves around an ex-cop named Kyle Hyde. He ends up working ass a door-to-door salesman, however he has quit the force to look for his partner Bradley who somehow had betrayed him back three years ago. Hyde ends up taking a job by his boss to come to this remote inn called Hotel Dusk. Here he involves himself deep into a mystery that oddly relates him to the customers and workers there and the mystery that revolves around the disappearance of his partner Bradley.

Review:   Sry if my summary doesn’t do the game justice! This game is really worth your money. Its styled like a noir film, set back in the early 70s of Los Angeles California, this story has a different feel to it. The game play is original too! It incorporates not only 2D style but also 3D as well! You get such a good layout of the whole hotel as well! The characters are all well fleshed out, the dialogue flows so well, like the characters are natural people who you meet in real life. The puzzles are also not all designed so easily that you would get too bored, i actually fell for some of it’s a bit,( but thats simply because I was not paying attention =P) And the story is more than intriguing that it pulls you in hoping for more. Seriously well presented I found this game a wonderful play. So I’m satisfied, it ate up more than the amount of time I was suppose to spend on it but hey only the good games do this to you = )  So if you ever find yourself in a dump after your latest game of an Ace Attorney series you can pick this game up, but this one is original and the artwork is well represented.

Lol! By the way if your a Super Smash Bro fan you might be able to find the characters in this game as trophies although I have yet to find them, (I didn’t even know about this, this was from wikipedia)  I guess ill have to find them now lol!

Heres a link for a walkthrough if you found yourself picking this game up hehehe but somehow got stuck. Although I reccomend highly not to spoil the ending for yourself!


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