Team PaNs PaNs to the ResCUE

Welcome to Team PaNs PaNs where u can do anything!!!!… to an extent hehehe XD

About 2010/03/26

Anyways welcome to the page of random random happiness LOL! if you’ve come to this page for something specifically  you must be lost and I suggest you to evacuate to the nearest google premises upon the net.

If you’ve come to this site out of pure randomness HURrAAYY!!!!

Welcome to my page!!!! Allow me to introduce myself, I am a mentally induced patient who regularly takes her daily dosages of fantasies and happiness pills (these can range randomly XD) either way I’ve somehow taken to blogging random stuff upon this site, all randomly put and cannot be defined upon having some kind of purpose really, I wish i did have some purpose with this site, but since i have no possible business of late to promote or have any specific stuff to post i’ve taken to random blogging about stuff i’ve found we’re good to do or other stuff that was simply on my mind.

ANYWAYS loL!!! i won’t bother you all with this pointless blog and simply go onto to posting other stuff thanks for visiting my poorly visited site!!!! and hopefully i’ve not succeeded in scaring you off of it loL!!! otherwise enjoy your stay!!!!


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